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Maulana Jalalud-din Rumi-مولانا جلال ‌الدین محمد بلخی رومی December 16, 2007

Posted by Farzana Naina in Random.
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800th anniversary of the birth of Maulana Jalal-ud-Din Belhi-Rumi
(Maulana Jalal-ud-Din Balkhi Rumi), poet and philosopher (1207-1273)

“Eminent philosopher and mystical poet of Islam, Rumi advocated tolerance, reason and access to knowledge through love. His mystical relationship with Islam produced masterpieces that have marked Islamic culture and religious beliefs, well beyond the borders of Turkey. His work and thought remain universally relevant today.”
Above text is taken from UNESCO’s official website announcing that 2007 is declared as Rumi Year. 2007 is the 800th anniversary of Rumis birth and until today his thoughts and poems, written in the “Mesnevi” and “Divan-i Kebir” in Persian language, are for many humans, not only for muslim people very important.
Central topic of Maulanas teachings is the love, which he understood as main power of the universe. Because of God´s love the universe exists at all, humans must learn to love God, so they will learn to love everything what is God´s creation, thus as humans, nature and all things.
“For the lovers of God is God alone the source of sorrow and joy. It is the wages of their work and to be really rich.” (From the Mesnevi of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi)
In the last year 1,5 million visitors and pilgrims flowed to the mausoleum of Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi, which is today one of Turkeys most visited museums. 200000 visitors came from foreign countries, especiallay from Iran, where Maulana is very famous. From every part of the world humans visited the mystical poet, many of them speaking “Dua” (asking prayers) at his tomb.Jalaluddin-Rumi

After Maulanas death on December 17 in the year 1273 the mausoleum was established over which today rises up the “Kubbe-i-Hadra” (the Green dome), it became the symbol of Konya.
Rumi was buried near his father in the rose garden of the Seljuk palace. Later altogether 55 family members and companion or highranking Mevlevi-Derwishs like Selaheddin Zerkub and Husamedin Çelebi found their last peace at the mausoleum, beside Maulana his son Sultan Veled. The “Tekke” was built, a building for meetings and studies, the Sema hall for mystical dance and small cells for meditation practice like “Zikr” (thinking of God).
Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was born in the year 1207 in Balkh in the Persian region Horasan (today Afghanistan). His father was the respected scholar Bahaeddin Veled, who left the city with his familiy because of the forthcoming Mongol invasion.
After travelling through different areas and a longer stay in Karaman, finally they came 1228 to Konya, which was the capital of the Rum Seljuk under the powerful Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat. After the death of the father Rumi became also a respected theological scholar. But the meeting and special friendship with Shemseddin Tabrisi, a dervish of the calendar order he met 1244 in Konya, brought him on the mystic way.
The Sufi Derwishorder of the Maulevis, which was founded after Maulanas death, got large influence during the time of the Turkish Seljuk and later in the Ottoman empire. The order was closed, when the new Turkish Republic was established at the beginning of the 20. century. Today exists in many countries, even in Europe and America small private groups, which are following the thoughts of Maulana and partly continuing mystic practices.

The ritual of “Sema”, the mystic dance of turning Maulevi dervishs found its origin in an inspiration of Maulana Celaleddin Rumi, but received its form after his death. Accompanied by the sounds of the flute “Ney” and other instruments, the whirling dervish is turning like in trance around his own axis, the right hand upward to be ready to receice God´s beneficence and the left hand downward to the earth. It symbols the mankind with their connection between heaven and earth.
The day of death Maulana Jalaluddin Rumis on December 17 in the year 1273 is named as “Seb-i-Arus”, what means literally translated “wedding night”. For the inhabitants of Konya at that time Mevlanas death was a drastic event. Sheikh Sadreddin Konevi, another mystic master from Konya, who should speak the last prayer for Maulana, fell in faint because of sadness. To Rumis funeral came numerous representatives of all groups and religions, also Christians and Jews. Despite of the muslim funeral they were reading from the old and new testament and described the character of Maulana as equal with Moses and Jesus. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi had designated the death as typical for the sufis as “wedding”, a kind of still more intensive mental combination with God. In the Divan the following statement is contained: “When you see my funeral don´t say: What for a separation. It is time for me to meet the lover…”
There is every year a festival week in Konya in December with exhibitans, concerts and performance of the whirling dervish dance “Sema” at the Maulana cultural center (Mevlana Kültür Merkezi).
In 2006 more than 70000 visitors from many different countries came to see the performances. Like every year December 17 was a special day, where hundreds of people came together in the afternoon at the tomb of Maulana to speak “Dua”.
In the Maulana year 2007, which was declared by UNESCO after an initiative of the countries Turkey, Egypt and Afghanistan, will be world-wide cultural and informative events about Maulans philosophy.
Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi will be for every time a good example, because of his tolerance, love and good relation to his fellows. 

 مولانا جلال ‌الدین محمد بلخی رومی

پیدائش اور نام و نسب

محمد جلال الدین رومی (پیدائش:1207ء، انتقال: 1273ء) مشہور فارسی شاعر تھے۔ اصل نام جلال الدین تھا لیکن مولانا رومی کے نام سے مشہور ہوئے۔ جواہر مضئیہ میں سلسلہ نسب اس طرح بیان کیا ہے : محمد بن محمد بن محمد بن حسین بن احمد بن قاسم بن مسیب بن عبداللہ بن عبدالرحمن بن ابی بکرن الصدیق۔ اس روایت سے حسین بلخی مولانا کے پردادا ہوتے ہیں لیکن سپہ سالار نے انہیں دادا لکھا ہے اور یہی روایت صحیح ہے۔ کیونکہ وہ سلجوقی سلطان کے کہنے پر اناطولیہ چلے گئے تھے جو اس زمانے میں روم کہلاتا تھا۔ ان کے والد بہاؤ الدین بڑے صاحب علم و فضل بزرگ تھے۔ ان کا وطن بلخ تھا اور یہیں مولانا رومی 1207ء بمطابق 604ھ میں پیدا ہوئے۔

ابتدائی تعلیم

ابتدائی تعلیم کے مراحل شیخ بہاؤ الدین نے طے کرادیے اور پھر اپنے مرید سید برہان الدین کو جو اپنے زمانے کے فاضل علماء میں شمار کیے جاتے تھے مولاناکا معلم اور اتالیق بنادیا۔ اکثر علوم مولانا کو انہی سے حاصل ہوئے۔ اپنے والد کی حیات تک ان ہی کی خدمت میں رہے۔ والد کے انتقال کے بعد 639ھ میں شام کا قصد کیا ۔ ابتدا میں حلب کے مدرسہ حلاویہ میں رہ کر مولاناکمال الدین سے شرف تلمذ حاصل کیا۔

علم و فضل

مولانا رومی اپنے دور کے اکابر علماء میں سے تھے۔ فقہ اور مذاہب کے بہت بڑے عالم تھے۔ لیکن آپ کی شہرت بطور ایک صوفی شاعر کے ہوئی۔ دیگرعلوم میں بھی آپ کو پوری دستگاہ حاصل تھی۔ دوران طالب علمی میں ہی پیچیدہ مسائل میں علمائے وقت مولانا کی طرف رجوع کرتے تھے۔ شمس تبریز مولانا کے پیر و مرشد تھے۔ مولانا کی شہرت سن کر سلجوقی سلطان نے انھیں اپنے پاس بلوایا۔ مولانا نے درخواست قبول کی اور قونیہ چلے گئے اور

مولانا کے دو فرزند تھے ، علاؤ الدین محمد ، سلطان ولد ۔ علاؤ الدین محمد کا نام صرف اس کارنامے سے زندہ ہے کہ انہوں نے شمس تبریز کو شہید کیا تھا۔ سلطان ولد جو فرزند اکبر تھے ، خلف الرشید تھے ، گو مولانا کی شہرت کے آگے ان کا نام روشن نہ ہوسکا لیکن علوم ظاہری و باطنی میں وہ یگانہ روزگار تھے۔ ان کی تصنیفات میں سے خاص قابل ذکر ایک مثنوی ہے ، جس میں مولانا کے حالات اور واردات لکھے ہیں اور اس لحاظ سے وہ گویا مولانا کی مختصر سوانح عمری ہے۔

سلسلہ باطنی
مولانا کا سلسلہ اب تک قائم ہے۔ ابن بطوطہ نے اپنے سفرنامے میں لکھا ہے کہ ان کے فرقے کے لوگ جلالیہ کہلاتے ہیں۔ چونکہ مولانا کا لقب جلال الدین تھا اس لیے ان کے انتساب کی وجہ سے یہ نام مشہور ہوا ہوگا ۔ لیکن آج کل ایشیائے کوچک ، شام ، مصر اور قسطنطنیہ میں اس فرقے کو لوگ مولویہ کہتے ہیں۔ یہ لوگ نمد کی ٹوپی پہنتے ہیں جس میں جوڑ یا درز نہیں ہوتی ، مشائخ اس ٹوپی پر عمامہ باندھتے ہیں۔ خرقہ یا کرتہ کی بجائے ایک چنٹ دار پاجامہ ہوتاہے۔ ذکر و شغل کا یہ طریقہ ہے کہ حلقہ باندھ کر بیٹھتے ہیں۔ ایک شخص کھڑا ہو کر ایک ہاتھ سینے پر اور ایک ہاتھ پھیلائے ہوئے رقص شروع کرتا ہے۔ رقص میں آگے پیچھے بڑھنا یا ہٹنا نہیں ہوتا بلکہ ایک جگہ جم کر متصل چکر لگاتے ہیں۔ سماع کے وقت دف اور نے بھی بجاتے ہیں۔

بقیہ زندگی وہیں گذار کر 1273ء بمطابق 672ھ میں انتقال کرگئے۔ قونیہ میں ان کا مزار آج بھی عقیدت مندوں کا مرکز ہے۔

قونیہ میں مولانا کا مزار
مثنوی رومی
ان کی سب سے مشہور تصنیف ’’مثنوی مولانا روم‘‘ ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ ان کی ایک مشہور کتاب ’’فیہ مافیہ‘‘ بھی ہے۔

باقی ایں گفتہ آیدبے زباں
درددل ہر کس کہ دارد نورجان

ترجمہ:”جس شخص کی جان میں نورہوگا اس مثنوی کا بقیہ حصہ اس کے دل میں خودبخود اتر جائیگا”

اقبال اور رومی

علامہ محمد اقبال مولانا رومی کو اپنا روحانی پیر مانتے تھے۔ کشف اور وجدان کے ذریعے ادراک حقیقت کے بعد صوفی صحیح معنوں میں عاشق ہو جاتا ہے کہ بہ رغبت تمام محبوب حقیقی کے تمام احکام کی پیروی کرتا ہے۔ رومی نے جوہر عشق کی تعریف اور اس کی ماہیت کی طرف معنی خیز اشارے کیے ہیں ۔ صوفی کی ذہنی تکمیل کا مقام کیا ہے اس کے متعلق دو شعر نہایت دل نشیں ہیں۔

آدمی دید است باقی پوست است
دید آں باشد کہ دید دوست است
جملہ تن را در گداز اندر بصر
در نظر رو در نظر رو در نظر

علامہ اقبال نے اس کی یوں تشریح کی ہے

خرد کے پاس خبر کے سوا کچھ اور نہیں
ترا علاج نظر کے سوا کچھ اور نہیں

ان کے 800 ویں جشن پیدائش پر ترکی کی درخواست پر اقوام متحدہ کے ادارہ برائے تعلیم، ثقافت و سائنس یونیسکو نے 2007ء کو بین الاقوامی سالِ رومی قرار دیا۔ اس موقع پر یونیسکو تمغہ بھی جاری کرے گا۔
یہ معلومات وکیپیڈیا سے لی گئی ہے



1. mescalinesunrise - December 16, 2007

Great to know that someone else appreciates Rumi. I haven’t actively read any of his work, but my mother has and she passes some of it on to me. 🙂

2. Samina - March 7, 2008

I have recently fallen in love with Maulana’s teaching and his poetry. His relationship with GOD and his Love for GOD is so pure and unshakeble and free of wordly diversions that it incourages me to Know the GOD he knew. I suddenly feel much closer to my GOD.

3. zabiullah - August 15, 2010

yes but i am a fun of mulana’s poetry

Asmat Ali - January 8, 2011

yes mulana romi is great man.

4. Mazhar Ali - August 31, 2011


5. Hamza Iftikhar Ahmed - May 28, 2012

He is one of the greatest poets and and philosophers,i am very much impressed by his teaching and that i have no words to define it at all,i have a great love and respect for him and devoutly,i would try to follow his teachings.

6. Nehal Ahmad - June 5, 2012

Really ,I salute heartly to Maulana roomi r/a..his thought and information would realy make perfect person and momin to all human but if we will read his all stories which is written in masnawi by my self…he gave a very big lesion to all human about real love with GOD -allah- and prophet Mohammad sa..i request to all of my brothers pls read masnawi with open mind and think what maulana roomi ra want to say and inform to us about reality of god and human..hope you people will have a look on this…thnx..

7. Nehal Ahmad - June 5, 2012

Hazrat Maulana ra is among us..he not passed away..because he is a “wali” and the holy quraan says wali never dead..I have red Molana’s book “Masnawi”..wow!!! what a book..realy after reading this book I feel GOD in myself but in a hide mode..I think in practical moulana roomi information is very tough which can only be done by “sufi” “sant”…It is said now no maulana will take birth like him in this world..i support this sentence…Wow!!! realy i became very close to my god who is my owner and i am doing all the things according to my GOD “RAB”..I am nothing but a human..but i can be all things if i suppose to exist GOD into me…this is very tough to accept..
Pls read this book with open mind and try to understand maulana’s thought..i am sure you will get your GOD secret after that…thnx..

8. Muhammad suhail - June 17, 2012

Bhut ache book hai ansan parhe key kafi sekhta hai mayne book parhe hai

9. Syed Muhammad Bilal Ayub - June 18, 2012

Maulana was a great poet,scholar,philosopher and a great Sufi

10. Shakeel H. Aashiq - July 2, 2012

Assalaamu alaikkum

Dear brothers and sisters,

Hope peace and mercy of “Allah” be with us.

I have enjoyed Rumi’s writings about Sufism.Each and every time when I started to read, astonishingly I found a new meaning regarding the hidden and exposed truth of the one only the almighty.

He himself says he is also a part of almighty.For that he is saying the following example.

Moon is there always in the sky. We can see the reflection of moon in the water by any means.’We can say both of them are moon,but those reflections are not equal to the real’.Reflections can change its shape or it may vanish but the REAL will remains there.

We have to believe that we can reach the almighty. If we are loving our last prophet Mohamed Nabi Salalaahu alahi vasallam more than any thing else along with his ahlul bait then we can ………….Wassalaam

11. Usman Ali Rumi - August 5, 2012

salam to my peer i am his rohani moreed, and i think every one should read masnawi its a gr8 book, its open your heart, and any one is a mureed and lover maulana,s then please contact me hafizali97@live.com

12. mhussain - August 8, 2012


dear pls post which is write the main entrance of the tomb of jillal-ud-din
pls as soon as possible

13. dr iqbal saeed khan - August 30, 2012


14. Shafe Afg - September 9, 2012


15. faheem majeed - November 4, 2012

i have no such words in which i can describe the great personality of great philosopher and poet, no doubt molana Jalaluddin Romi is great spiritual poet and a pious man…….

16. sikandar - November 10, 2012

Maulana wer so inspird by Shams Tabrez, He waz is spiritual teacher nd guide,
He was in a state of love where he took step widout feet….

17. Rome Rajpoot - November 22, 2012

Maulana jajajudinRome is a great man he was a spiritual teacher nd guide i like maulana rome

18. SHAKIL Ashik - August 14, 2013

Not sure about this.Follower of Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi in devoted way. I don’t want into this mess.

19. Ghulam qadir - October 26, 2013

i have a hope to read the Great Molauna roomi’s books and literaturer but i don’t understand farsi so plz help me and download the books or any material of moulana/

Najeeb.ullah1@yahoo.com - December 30, 2013

I involved with Mulana Jala ud din balkhi’s poets in 2005 and still refer to his books, I really love the every words that Balkhi said and these words encourage me to success and teach me loves, affections with the people that i already have deep inside,,,, Just love his words…. God bless you Mulana…

Najeeb Khan…

20. Noman Khan - November 15, 2013

A good effort by you, which must be appreciated.

21. Faqir Hanif - March 5, 2014


22. Raja Tauqeer Islamabad Pk - April 2, 2014

Mulana Room is a great sufi Never will be born another mulana room for muslim. Allama Iqbal told that a Murshid (Subhan Allah) I am Salam to Mulana Room (Allah Qabool kary)

23. tanzeel - July 7, 2016

The great people born ever in the world.so IQBAL says ” hzaroon sal nargas apni by noori py roti hy bri mushkil sy hota hy chaman me didawar peda “

24. shahid - February 1, 2017

مولانا رومی کی مکمل حیات زندگی لکھی جائے. کیسے اور کیوں افغانستان چھوڑا؟ اپنے سے کیسے ملا؟ کچھہ واقعات ہونے چاھیے

25. rana usama - July 10, 2017

molana jlal-ud-din rumi was a great poet and a great man in this word.i have study the books of molana then i relize that what is the real concept of love and god.he do not only give us the teaching of love with god but they teach us about humanity and prosperity.he was a great man in this word with real mean of humanity.

26. خالد - October 26, 2017

😀اچھی کوشش ہے-

27. HAKIM ALI - September 3, 2019

Maulana’s teaching and his poetry relationship with GOD and his Love for GOD and is a pure love with the GOD. MOALAANA was not a great poet but was also a great man in the whole world. incourages me to Know the GOD he knew. MOALAANA sahib have told us a real mean of humanity.NO words I Have to talk about the MOALAAN SAHIB

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